Crater Lake
In the summer of 2019, I assisted the FEIT group at the Cascades Volcano Observatory in updating USGS monitoring stations, and with the installation of new seismometers at Crater Lake National Park. These stations are vital for monitoring magmatic and tectonic activity at Crater Lake, providing the first warnings for volcanic activity at Crater Lake.
Glacier Peak
During my internship with the Cascades Volcano Observatory in 2019 I participated in two field expeditions to Glacier Peak, a stratovolcano in the Cascade mountains of Washington state. The first trip took place along the White Chuck river and focused on sampling an ignimbrite from 13,000 years ago. For this site we concentrated on the paleomagnetism of welded deposits, recording the stratigraphy of outcrops and doing XRF analyses on the geochemistry of pumice samples. The second trip took place at White Pass and Pumice Creek, along the PCT running next to Glacier Peak. Here our focus was to record the chronostratigraphy of tephra deposits from Glacier Peak and collect pumice samples for XRF analyses. The primary goal of this work was to determine the eruptive history of Glacier Peak, as a timeline, magnitude and extent of volcanic events.
WEstern Montana
As part of my undergraduate degree at the University of Washington I attended a six-week field-camp in the summer of 2018 based in Dillon, MT. We completed seven projects related to stratigraphy, structural geology and geomorphology. Projects included stratigraphic logs, geologic mapping and developing a geologic timeline of events in Western Montana.